Deadline Extended for SC15 Doctoral Showcase

doctoralThe deadline for the SC15 Doctoral Showcase submissions has been extended to Aug. 21.

As part of the SC15 Technical Program, the Doctoral Showcase provides an important opportunity for students near the end of their Ph.D. to present a summary of their dissertation research in the form of short talks and posters.  Unlike technical paper and poster presentations, Doctoral Showcase highlights the entire contents of each dissertation, including previously published results, to allow for a broad perspective of the work.

SC15ColorSoftShadowSubmissions will be accepted for the Dissertation Research Showcase track for Ph.D. students who will be graduating in the next 12 months. This track provides a venue for Ph.D. students to present a summary of their latest and systematic dissertation research. It provides an opportunity to educate junior graduate students working in high performance computing areas. This program also provides an ideal opportunity for prospective employers in academia, research laboratories and industry to interact with prospective Ph.D.s.

Registration is now open for SC15, which takes place Nov. 15-20 in Austin, Texas.