Preview of Fall 2015 HPC Events

19061431994_7e1ca470c1_nAfter spending a lovely six straight weeks at home, I find myself marveling at how many conferences are in the queue this Fall leading up to SC15 in Austin. And while we can’t attend them all, insideHPC will be bringing you plenty of live coverage on the very latest in high performance computing.

  • HPC User Forum, Sept 8-10 in Broomfield, Colorado. Don’t miss the chance to hear top experts on these high-innovation, high-growth areas of the HPC market. At this meeting, you’ll also hear about government initiatives to get ready for future-generation supercomputers, new research on the ROI with HPC, as well as a disruptive technologies panel.
  • IEEE Cluster 2015, Sept 9-11 in Chicago. Cluster 2015 features papers, workshops, and tutorials on advances in topics related to cluster computing. The special technical focus of this year’s conference is Exascale Computing.
  • SPEEDUP Workshop on High Performance Computing, Sept. 10-11 in Lugano, Switzerland. The SPEEDUP workshop series has a long history in presenting and discussing the state-of-the-art in high-performance and parallel scientific computing.  This includes algorithms, applications, and software aspects related to high-performance parallel computing. The focus of the 44th SPEEDUP workshop is on Fluid-Structure Interaction.
  • PBS User Group, Sept. 14-16 in Mountain View, CA. The PBS Works User Group is back! Save the date to join us in Mountain View, California where industry leaders, technology users, PBS engineers and Altair executives will discuss today’s HPC challenges, see real world applications and learn from other users.
  • Enabling Discovery and Product Innovation with Dell HPC and Big Data Solutions, Sept. 15 in La Jolla, CA.Please join us for this one day workshop featuring presentations from Dell, Appistry, UNC Chapel Hill, Arizona State University, and TGen who all will share their cutting-edge results and best practices for helping labs process, manage, and analyze large genomic data sets. You will also hear from Intel and Nvidia on their latest HPC/Big Data technology innovations.
  • SLURM User Group 2015, Sept. 15-16 in Washington, D.C. The Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management (Slurm) is an open source, fault-tolerant, and highly scalable cluster management and job scheduling system for large and small Linux clusters. Slurm requires no kernel modifications for its operation and is relatively self-contained. The Slurm User Group meeting will include an assortment of tutorials, technical presentations, and site reports.
  • HPEC’15 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference, Sept. 15-17 in Waltham, MA. HPEC is the largest computing conference in New England and is the premier conference in the world on the convergence of High Performance and Embedded Computing. We are passionate about performance. Our community is interested in computing hardware, software, systems and applications where performance matters. We welcome experts and people who are new to the field.
  • LAD’15 Lustre Admin & Dev Workshop, Sept. 21-22 in Paris, France. EOFS and OpenSFS are organizing the fifth european LAD’15 Lustre Administrator and Developer Workshop. The event will take place in Paris, at Marriott Champs Elysees Hotel. This will be a great opportunity for Lustre worldwide administrators and developers to gather and exchange their experiences, developments, tools, good practices and more.
  • HPC Advisory Council Spain Conference, Sept. 22 in Barcelona, Spain. The HPC Advisory Council and the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) will host the HPC Advisory Council Spain Conference 2015 at the Campus Diagonal Nord in Barcelona, Spain on September 22, 2015. The conference will focus on High-Performance Computing essentials, new developments and emerging technologies, best practices and hands-on training.
  • ISC Cloud & Big Data, Sept. 28-30 in Frankfurt, Germany. The ISC Cloud & Big Data conference program will give all attendees a chance to discuss key challenges and opportunities with leading experts in cloud computing and big data analytics. The program will highlight performance demanding cloud and big data applications and technologies. It will consist of three tracks: Business, Technology and Research, plus one full day of workshops.
  • OpenMPCon 2015, Sept. 28-10 in Aachen, Germany. OpenMPCon is organized by the OpenMP community and is uniquely positioned to provide both novice and experienced developers with new insights into using directive based APIs such as OpenMP. OpenMPCon takes place 28-30 September in Aachen Germany and will focus on the practical application of OpenMP and other directive based languages to deliver high-performance computing through parallel processing.
  • CACDS Directives and Tools for Accelerators WorkshopCACDS and the University of Houston are once again hosting the Seismic Programming Shift Workshop. The focus of this Second Annual workshop is on the use of portable, productive, high-level directive-based programming strategies to develop seismic application code for multicore platforms and accelerators.
  • COMSOL Conference 2015, Oct. 12-13 in Boston, MA. The COMSOL Conference brings together more than 2,000 engineers, researchers, and scientists worldwide, providing them with the chance to showcase their work, share innovative technologies and best practices, as well as the opportunity to interact with the makers of COMSOL Multiphysics.
  • HPC User Forum – Paris, Oct. 15 in Paris. GENCI will host the HPC User Forum in Paris Oct. 12-13. The Agendaincludes speakers from Airbus, GENCI, Renault, and NASA. The meeting is free to attend.
  • HPC User Forum – Munich, Oct 18. LRZ will host the HPC User Forum in Munich Oct 15-16. The Agendaincludes speakers from LRZ, CSCS, DKRZ, Paypal, and the Gauss Centre for Supercomputing. The meeting is free to attend.
  • 2015 PRC Lustre* Users Group Conference. At LUG, you’ll hear directly from industry thought leaders about the latest Lustre* file system trends by attending the 2015 PRC Lustre* Users Group conference. Don’t miss this exclusive opportunity to collaborate with industry leaders to advance the Lustre* file system and contribute to new releases on behalf of the open source community.
  • HP-CAST, Nov. 13-14 in Austin, TX. HP-CAST is an organization of HP customers and partners who provide input to HP to increase the capabilities of HP solutions for large-scale, scientific and technical computing.
  • Intel HPC Developers Conference, Nov. 14-15, in Austin, TX. The Intel HPC Developer Conference will bring together developers from around the world to discuss code modernization in high performance computing. Learn what’s next in HPC, its technologies, and its impact on tomorrow’s innovations. Find the solutions to your biggest challenges at the Intel HPC Developer Conference.
  • SC15, Nov. 15-20 in Austin, TX. SC15 will bring together the international supercomputing community—an unparalleled ensemble of scientists, engineers, researchers, educators, programmers, system administrators and developers—for an exceptional program of technical papers, informative tutorials, timely research posters and Birds-of-a-Feather (BOF) sessions. The SC15 Exhibition Hall will feature exhibits of the latest and greatest technologies from industry, academia and government research organizations; many of these technologies making their debut in Austin. No conference is better poised to demonstrate how HPC can transform both the everyday and the incredible.

If you have high performance computing events coming up, please send us a link and we’ll post them on our insideHPC Events Calendar.

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