The Center for Advanced Computing Systems has announced their agenda for the Directives and Tools for Accelerators Workshop. Also known as the Seismic Programming Shift Workshop, the event takes place Oct. 11-13 at the University of Houston.
The OpenACC Application Program Interface is designed for portability across operating systems, host CPUs, and a wide range of accelerators, including APUs, GPUs, and many-core coprocessors. The focus of this Second Annual workshop is on the use of portable, productive, high-level directive-based programming strategies to develop seismic application code for multicore platforms and accelerators.
Speakers include:
- Dr. Satoshi Matsuoka, Professor of Global Scientific Information Center and Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Dr. Luiz DeRose, Senior Principal Engineer and the Programming Environments Director at Cray Inc.
- Duncan Poole, President, OpenACC
- Dr. Saber Feki, Computational Scientist, KAUST Supercomputing Laboratory
- Dr. Maxime Hugues, HPC Research Scientist, Total E&P Research & Technology USA, LLC.
- Dr. James Beyer, Senior Software Engineer, NVIDIA
- Fernanda Foertter, HPC User Support Specialist/Programmer at Oak Ridge National Lab
What will you learn:
- Usage of directives’ that preserves a single code base, accelerates for GPUs, and offers cross-platform portability
- Status and future steps of the widely used OpenACC and OpenMP directives
- Availability of several compilers and software packages across a broad set of CPU/Accelerator combinations
- Methods to port seismic imaging applications on CPU/Accelerators, auto-tune and perform data analysis
- Availability of profile and debug tools enabling accelerated scientific computing without significant programming effort.