Beowulf Bash Returns to SC15 in Austin with Bullriding Contest


There’s one party you don’t want to miss at SC15, an that’s the Beowulf Bash. This year, the Bash is returning to Austin with a bullriding contest. The event takes place at Austin’s Fair Market on Monday, Nov 16 at 9:00pm after the SC15 exhibit floor closes.

“After last year’s New Orleans parade, the BeoBash What-Next committee decided more audience participation was in order. While those of us in the parade had fun flinging Mardi Gras beads at drunk people with reckless abandon, we yearned for a safe and wholesome activity that would throw this year’s guests around like Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls. As usual, we start at 9pm on Monday (Nov. 16) after the SC15 Opening Gala. There will be two mechanical bulls and a leaderboard will keep track of who can stay up the longest (on the mechanical bull).”

Everyone who rides the bull will get an “I Stayed Up All Night at the 2015 Beowulf Bash” T-shirt to wear during SC. For those not up for the full Urban Cowboy1 experience, there will be other fun activities, such as a taking-the-bull-by-the-horns strong-man contest and mechanical calf-roping.

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