RCE Podcast on the Conduit Model for Hierarchical Scientific Data


RCE Podcast logoIn this RCE podcastBrock Palen and Jeff Squyres discuss Conduit with Cyrus Harriston from LLNL. Conduit is an open source project from Lawrence Livermore that provides an intuitive model for describing hierarchical scientific data in C++, C, Fortran, and Python and is used for data coupling between packages in-core, serialization, and I/O tasks.

Cyrus D Harrison, LLNL

Cyrus D Harrison, LLNL

Conduit was built around the concept that an intuitive in-core data description capability simplifies many other common tasks in the HPC simulation eco-system. To this aim, Conduit’s Core API:

  • Provides a runtime focused in-core data description API that does not require repacking or code generation.
  • Supports a mix of externally owned and Conduit allocated memory semantics.

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