We’d like to invite our readers to participate in our new HPC & Large Enterprise Purchase Sentiment Survey. It’s an effort to better understand our readers and what is really happening out there in the world of High Performance Computing.
This survey is being conducted by insideHPC and Gabriel Consulting Group. It’s designed to get a feel for the technology purchasing plans of HPC and large enterprise data centers. We’ll also ask some questions about how your data center is approaching new technologies, usage models, and the like. Additionally, we’d like to know how you regard major vendors in the data center space.
What we’re really looking for here is how you, the data center professional, see your data center changing over the next couple of years.
“We know that these surveys can be tedious, so we really appreciate you taking the time to take this particular survey. We’re looking to conduct this survey every six months or so, and would love to have you participate again. To sweeten the pot, and give you a bit of an incentive to help us out, we’ll give you a $25 Amazon.com electronic gift card for your participation on our next survey. If you’d like to participate, please opt in below and provide us with your email address in the next question. Again, we won’t ever share your email address with any other organization, we won’t try to sell you anything, and we won’t spam you. Thank you again for your help….”
This survey isn’t sponsored by any vendor, so nothing you say will hurt our feelings in any way. We will never disclose ANY identifiable information associated with your responses to ANY third party. Ever.
Start the Survey. We really appreciate it and we will share the results with you right here on insideHPC.