Does your research generate, analyze, and/or visualize data using advanced digital resources? In its recent Call for Participation, the CADENS project is looking for scientific data to visualize or existing data visualizations to weave into larger documentary narratives in a series of fulldome digital films and TV programs aimed at broad public audiences. Visualizations of your work could reach millions of people, amplifying its greater societal impacts!
CADENS (The Centrality of Advanced Digitally ENabled Science) is a National Science Foundation-supported project to increase digital literacy and inform the general public about computational and data-enabled discovery. It is led by Donna Cox, director of the Advanced Visualization Laboratory at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, which has created data-driven visualizations seen by millions of people in productions for planetariums, museums, and science television programs. Other project collaborators are Thomas Lucas, producer/director of more than 30 major science documentary films, and the Blue Waters and Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) projects.
The process for selecting scientific data and visualizations to be included in CADENS projects is unlike typical proposal review procedures. This selection process involves visualization experts, a science advisory committee, and other stakeholders in an ongoing process to consider a variety of science stories.
Applications are due Nov 30, 2015.