Today Italy’s NICE Software announced plans to demonstrate their latest remote visualization technologies at SC15 in Austin. Enhanced products include new release of NICE Desktop Cloud Visualization (DCV), improvements for ParaView users developed in collaboration with Kitware on NVIDIA GPUs, and the latest release of SGI VizServer powered by NICE software.
NICE DCV 2016, the remote visualization technology that enables technical computing users to remotely access 2D/3D interactive applications via the cloud, is expanding the capability once again. The new features continue to build upon the ease of use and optimization of collaboration that users have come to expect from NICE.
A key feature in NICE DCV 2016 is support for remote audio on Windows Servers and VMs, which enables remote media editing such as videos or music, editing presentations and other contents with sounds, and assisted interaction for the visually impaired. In addition, remote USB and updated operating systems support increases the flexibility for end-users to use devices like memory sticks, 3D mice and other USB devices remotely.
NICE and Kitware have partnered to provide a top-of-the-line data and visualization framework. ParaView developed by Kitware, combined with NVIDIA graphics and NICE DCV, enables technical computing users to remotely access interactive engineering and scientific applications from supercomputing centers and the Cloud.
With DCV, ParaView users can leverage the high-memory and high-performance input/output of more
advanced systems, such as those at data centers,” said Berk Geveci, Kitware’s Senior Director of Scientific Computing.
SGI has been a long-time partner with NICE for their VizServer product. SGI will, once again, be demonstrating VizServer in their booth (#1033). Visitors can see OpenGL remote graphics applications as well as a demo with ANSYS software showing the quality of graphics in a remote environment. NICE will also be demonstrating their EnginFrame product. The cloud portal the HPC community has come to rely on since 1996, EnginFrame provides an easy-to-use web-based front end for accessing applications in private or Public Cloud. It simplifies the execution and management of batch jobs, big data analytics, and interactive applications while improving team performance by allowing users to share their interactive sessions with collaborators.
Be sure to visit NICE at SC15 booth #310 to see demos of NICE DCV and EnginFrame new features and enhancements.