SC15 Diversity Sessions Coming to Austin

diversity3The SC15 Blog has published a listing of Diversity Sessions not to miss. Just a week away, the SC15 conference runs Nov. 15-20 in Austin.

“The SC15 Diversity Committee is passionate about gaining insight from the SC community on how we can increase the diversity of our community by increasing the representation of under-represented groups. Please join the conversation at any or all of the following events at SC15 where we will be having an open dialog and collaborating on potential solutions.”

Diversity and Innovation in HPC
12:15 – 1:15 p.m. Tuesday, November 17
Panel discussion featuring various community experts and collaborative engagement with SC attendees offering insight into historical diversity efforts and collectively identifying future opportunities.
Location: Intel Booth #1333
Organizers: Hosted by Intel Corporation

Women in HPC: Pathways and Roadblocks
10:30 a m. – 12 p.m. Wednesday, November 18
Birds-of-a-Feather discussion to understand what makes the STEM subfields so successful in attracting women, and how other subfields might emulate their success.
Location: Room 13B.
Organizers: Rebecca Hartman-Baker, Toni Collis

Women Impacting HPC Tech Session
11:15 a.m. – 12 p.m. Thursday, November 19
Panel discussion featuring various woman within the HPC community who have positively impacted society with their discoveries. Panelist will share their technical career paths and actively engage with the audience.
Location: Intel Booth #1333
Organizers: Hosted by Intel Corporation

Women in HPC: Changing the Face of HPC
8:30 a.m. – 12 p.m Friday, November 20
Workshop and panel discussions bringing together leading women working in HPC and female early career researchers. Showcase HPC research on a broad range of topics, and discuss the importance of gender equality.
Location:Hilton Salon A
Organizers: Toni Collis, Barbara Chapman, Daniel Holmes, Lorna Smith, Alison Kennedy, Adrian Jackson, Julia Andrys, Jesmin Jahan Tithi, Rapela Regina Maphanga, Sunita Chandrasekaran, Rebecca Hartman-Baker

See our complete coverage of SC15 * Download the Print n’ Fly Guide to SC15 in Austin