Welcome to the 2016 MSST Conference Video Gallery
Pre-Show Coverage:
- Interview: Moving Beyond POSIX with the new MarFS Object Storage Project
- Interview: Jeff Bonwick on the Secret Sauce behind DSSD
Presentation Videos:
- Scalable High Performance FLASH Systems, Jeff Bonwick, EMC DSSD, * Video * Slides
- Panel: Workflows for Specifying System Acquisitions
- Moderator intro: Gary Grider, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Video * Slides
- Workflow Analysis: An Approach to Characterize Application and System Needs, David Montoya, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Video * Slides
- Storage Performance Modeling for Future Systems, Yoonho Park, IBM, Video * Slides
- Adoption Trends for Solid State in Big Data Sites, Bret Weber, DDN, Video * Slides
- Lance Evans, Cray, Video * Slides
A Holistic Framework for Data-Intensive Workflows, Ian Corner, CSIRO (Australia) * Video * Slides
Panel: Data-Intensive Workflows * Complete Panel Video
- Moderator: Ian Corner, CSIRO (Australia) Slides
- Peter Caccetta, Data61
- Jake Carroll, University of Queensland Brain Institute, Slides
- Kirk Jordan, Hartree Centre – Science and Technology Facilities Council
- Massimo Noro, Unilever, Slides
- Don Preuss, Starfish Storage
Leveraging Disk for Large-Scale, Long-Term Storage Applications
- Moderator: Jim Gerry, IBM, * Video * Slides
- Whiter Hard Disks for Archives, Dave Anderson, Seagate, * Video * Slides
- Roark Hilomen, Sandisk, Slides * Video
- Leveraging Large-Scale Disk Systems in a Web-based Photo Archive: Design, Operations, and Future Plans, Mike Kugler, Shutterfly, * Video * Slides
- A Perspective on Power Management for Hard Disks, Kirill Malkin, SGI * Video * Slides
- A Quick Overview of Backblaze, Nilay Patel, Backblaze, * Video * Slides
Lightning Talks:
- Superfacility: How new workflows in the DOE Office of Science are changing storage system requirements, Katie Antypas, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory * Video * Slides
- Everspan—an optical storage solution with tape performance, at tape cost, but without the tape issues, Horst Schellong, Sony * Video * Slides
- Learnings from Operating 200 PB of Disk-Based Storage, Gleb Budman, Backblaze * Video * Slides
- Leveraging Flash in Scalable Environments, Roark Hilomen, Sandisk * Video * Slides
- 3D NAND FLASH: Current Technology and Future Trends. Rob Peglar, Micron, * Video * Slides
Panel: Media Trends * Video
- Moderator: Matthew O’Keefe, Oracle
- The Future of Tape (far from dead), April Alstrinå, Oracle, Video * Slides
- Scaling the Areal Density Mountain, Dave Anderson, Seagate, Video * Slides
- Bob Fontana, IBM Almaden Research, Video * Slides
- Roark Hilomen, Sandisk
- Rob Peglar, Micron
MarsFS: A Near-POSIX Namespace Leveraging Scalable Object Storage, David Bonnie, Los Alamos National Laboratory * Video * Slides
Panel: Evolving Semantics for Object Storage * Video
- Big Data is now a Proper Noun, Moderator: Randy Olinger, Optum United Health Group, Video * Slides
- David Bonnie, Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Ian Corner, CSIRO
- Versity: Archiving to Objects, Harriet Coverston, Versity Software, Video * Slides
- NCCS Data Analytics and Storage System (DASS), Carrie Spear, NASA Goddard, Video * Slides
- Justin Stottlemeyer, Intuit
- Eternal 5D Data Storage in Glass, Peter Kazansky, University of Southampton (UK) * Video * Slides
- Array head high performance, scalable optical storage solution for data centers with 100 year media warranty, Horst Schellong, Sony * Video * Slides
- Building Scalable, High Performance Block Storage via an RDMA-based Hyperconverged Platform, Josh Goldenhar, Excelero * No Video Available