Welcome to the 2016 Stanford HPC Conference
Special features:
- Interview with Bill Wagner, CEO of Bright Computing
- Gilad Shainer on the Advantages of Co-Design for HPC
- Gilad Shainer on new user survey results on the future of InfiniBand
Day One: Wednesday, 24 February, 2016
- Welcome, Gilad Shainer, HPC Advisory Council, Video * Slides
- The Road to Coral, Robin Goldstone, LLNL, Video * Slides
- Industry Insights: 9 Years of HPC in the Cloud – Lessons Learned, Jason Stowe, Cycle Computing, Video
- Programming Models for Exascale Systems, DK Panda, Ohio State University, Video * Slides
- Industry Insights: HPC, Deep Learning and GPUs, Julie Bernauer, NVIDIA, Video * Slides
- Tutorial 1: The Road to Become a Data Scientist Interactive Data Exploration: iPython, Jupyter and Matplotlib, Aashwin Mishra, Video
- Industry Insights: Dynamic Data Center Bright Computing, Robert Stober, Video * Slides
- Best Practices: UCX: An Open Source Framework for HPC Network APIs and Beyond, Pavel Shamis, ARM, Video * Slides
- Industry Insights: STEM IP: Advancing HPC, Industry & Society, Shahin Khan, StartupHPC, Video * Slides
- Industry Insights: Boosting HPC with Cloud Rescale, Mark Whitney, Rescale, Video * Slides
- Industry Insights: HPC and Hyperscale Trends for 2016, Addison Snell, Video * Slides
- Node Health Check (NHC) Project Update, Michael Jennings, LBNL, Video * Slides
- Best Practices: Using HPC To Advance Water Desalination By Electrodialysis, Clara Druzgalski, Stanford University, Video * Slides
- Panel: The Road To Exascale, Video
Day Two: Thursday, 25 February, 2016
- HPC: The Computational Foundation of Deep Learning, Bryan Catanzaro, Baidu Research, Video
- Industry Insights: Zero Copy Architecture (ZCATM) for Accelerating Multi-Stage Workflows, Mark Fernandez, SGI, Video * Slides
- Industry Insights: The Exascale Architecture Mellanox Technologies, Rich Graham, Mellanox, Video * Slides
- Best Practices: Dynamic Tuning for Energy Efficiency, Tomer Morad, Cornell Institute, Video * Slides
- Industry Insights: Ubercloud Workloads & Marketplace, Burak Yenier, UberCloud, Video * Slides
- Tutorial 2: The Road to Become a Data Scientist The Data of Data Science ~ Data Analysis with Pandas Stanford University, Aashwin Mishra, Video
- Best Practices: Multi-Host Containerized Clusters: Using Docker Networking To Spin-Up SLURM, Christian Kniep, Video * Slides
- Best Practices: Big Data Acceleration, DK Panda, Ohio State University, Video * Slides
- Industry Insights: Debugging Slow Buffered Reads to the Lustre Filesystem Robert Roy, Seagate, Video * Slides
- Tutorial 3: The Road to Become a Data Scientist Machine Learning: Supervised & Unsupervised Learning, Aashwin Mishra, Video
- Best Practices: Introduction to RISC-V Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Kurt Keville, Video * Slides
- Industry Insights: Accelerating Deep Learning with HPC, Sumit Sanyal, Minds.ai, Video * Slides