Agenda Posted: HPCAC Swiss Conference in Lugano, March 21-23

Lugano, Switzerland

Lugano, Switzerland

The HPC Advisory Council has posted the speaker agenda for the HPCAC Swiss Conference. The event takes place March 21-23 in Lugano, Switzerland.

The conference will focus on High-Performance Computing essentials, new developments and emerging technologies, best practices and hands-on training. The conference will focus on the following topics:

  • High Speed Networks
  • High Performance and Parallel I/O
  • Communication libraries: MPI, SHMEM, PGAS
  • GPU computing, CUDA, OpenCL
  • Big Data
  • Advanced topics / Technologies / development / the road to Exascale
  • Hands-on: clustering, network, troubleshooting, tuning, optimizations

The conference will bring together system managers, researchers, developers, computational scientists, students and industry affiliates for cross-training and to discuss recent HPC developments and future advancements.

Speakers include:

  • DK Panda, Ohio State University
  • Axel Khoeler, NVIDIA
  • Gila Miguel, CSCS
  • Shahin Khan, StartupHPC
  • Luigi Brochard, Lenovo
  • Rich Graham, Mellanox Technologies
  • Guarav Kual, Intel
  • Federico Silla, Technical University of Valencia
  • Christian Kniep, Gaikai Inc.
  • Kenneth Hoste, University Ghent
  • Nuri Twebti, IBM
  • Paolo Di Timmaso, Center for Genomic Regulation Best Practices

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