In this video from the 2016 Stanford HPC Conference, Robert Stober presents: Dynamic Data Center from Bright Computing.
“Many organizations are gaining a competitive advantage by implementing a Dynamic Data Center strategy. In a dynamic data center compute resources may be dynamically created and/or provisioned based on workload demand in accordance with configured policies. Compute resources may be physical, on-premises nodes, or they may be virtual nodes in a public or a private cloud, or all of the above. In all cases, the resources are dynamically created and/or powered on and provisioned on-the-fly for a specific workload. This results in an agile data center that responds quickly and automatically to changes in workload demand, while reducing power costs.”
Robert Stober is the Director of Systems Engineering for Bright Computing in San Jose, California. Robert specializes in planning and implementing High Performance Computing clusters and has broad experience integrating applications and workload management systems. Since joining Bright, Robert has been involved with extending Bright Cluster Manager beyond traditional HPC to what is now being called “Dynamic Datacenter.”
See more talks in the Stanford HPC Conference Video Gallery
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