Nominations are now open for the PRACE Ada Lovelace HPC Award. The new award recognizes woman who are making an outstanding contributions to HPC in Europe.
PRACE is happy to receive your nomination, please send your name and a 300-word description to The following selection criteria have to be addressed in your text:
- The winner of this award must be a woman who is currently working in Europe or has been working in Europe during the past three years
- She must have made an outstanding impact on HPC research, computational science or service provision at a global level
- She must be working in academia or industry
- She must be a role model for women beginning careers in HPC
The deadline to submit your nomination is: March 30, 2016. The winner of the Award will be invited to participate in the concluding Panel Session at PRACEdays16, and will receive a cash prize of € 1000 as well as a certificate and an engraved crystal trophy.