Today ISC 2016 announced the awards-winning research papers for the PRACE ISC Award and the Gauss Award.
The ISC research paper sessions provide first-class open forums for engineers and scientists in academia, industry and government to present and discuss issues, trends and results that will shape the future of high performance computing. They will be held from Monday, June 20, through Wednesday, June 22. From all papers submitted to the conference, the ISC 2016 Research Papers Committee, which is headed by Prof. Jack Dongarra, University of Tennessee & ORNL, and Dr. Pavan Balaji, Argonne National Laboratory, has selected the following 25 papers for presentation at ISC 2016. See the conference program.
Accepted papers for ISC 2016:
- Hans Meuer Award Winning Paper
Mitigating MPI Message Matching Misery
Mario Flajslik, James Dinan & Keith D. Underwood, Intel
- Gauss Award Winning Paper
Predictive Modeling for Job Power Consumption in HPC Systems
Andrea Borghesi, DISI, University of Bologna; Andrea Bartolini, Integrated Systems Laboratory, ETH Zurich; Michele Lombardi, DISI, University of Bologna; Michela Milano, DISI, University of Bologna; Luca Benini, Integrated Systems Laboratory, ETH Zurich
- PRACE ISC Award Winning Paper
Dynamic Sparse-Matrix Allocation on GPUs
James King, Thomas Gilray, Robert M. Kirby & Matthew Might, University of Utah
- Efficiency of High Order Spectral Element Methods on Petascale Architectures
Maxwell L. Hutchinson, University of Chicago; Alexander Heinecke, Intel; Hans Pabst, Intel Semiconductor; Greg Henry, Intel; Matteo Parsani, KAUST; David Keyes, KAUST
- AutoMOMML: Automatic Multi-Objective Modeling with Machine Learning
Prasanna Balaprakash, Argonne National Laboratory; Ananta Tiwari, San Diego Supercomputer Center; Stefan Wild, Argonne National Laboratory; Laura Carrington, San Diego Supercomputer Center; Paul Hovland, Argonne National Laboratory
- Resource Management for Running HPC Applications in Container Clouds
Stephen Herbein, University of Delaware; Ayush Dusia, University of Delaware; Jose Manuel Monsalve Diaz, University of Delaware; Sean McDaniel, University of Delaware; Yang Yang, University of Delaware; Aaron Landwehr, University of Delaware; Seetharami Seelam, IBM; Michela Taufer, University of Delaware
- Efficient & Predictable Group Communication for Manycore NoCs
Karthik Yagna, Onkar Patil & Frank Mueller, NCSU
- Distributed Job Allocation for Large-Scale Manycores
Subramanian Ramachandran & Frank Mueller, NCSU
- TCU: A Multi-Objective Hardware Thread Mapping Unit for HPC Clusters
Ravi Kumar Pujari, Thomas Wild & Andreas Herkersdorf, Institute for Integrated Systems, Technische Universität München
- Towards Machine Learning on the Automata Processor
Tommy J. Tracy II, University of Virginia; Yao Fu, Micron Technology; Indranil Roy, Micron Technology; Eric M. Jonas, Micron Technology; Paul Glendenning, Micron Technology
- Leveraging a Cluster-Booster Architecture for Brain-Scale Simulations
Pramod Kumbhar, Blue Brain Project, EPFL; Michael Hines, Yale University; Aleksandr Ovcharenko, Blue Brain Project, EPFL; Damian A. Mallon, Jülich Supercomputing Centre; James King, Blue Brain Project, EPFL; Florentino Sainz, Barcelona Supercomputing Centre; Felix Schürmann, Blue Brain Project, EPFL; Fabien Delalondre, Blue Brain Project, EPFL - TiDA: High-Level Programming Abstractions for Data Locality Management
Didem Unat, Koç University; Tan Nguyen, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Weiqun Zhang, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Muhammed Nufail Farooqi, Koç University; Burak Bastem, Koç University; George Michelogiannakis, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Ann Almgren, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; John Shalf, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Performance, Design & Autotuning of Batched GEMM for GPUs
Ahmad Abdelfattah, Azzam Haidar & Stanimire Tomov, University of Tennessee
- INAM^2: InfiniBand Network Analysis and Monitoring with MPI
Hari Subramoni, Albert Mathews Augustine, Mark Arnold, Jonathan Perkins, Xiaoyi Lu, Khaled Hamidouche & Dhabaleswar K. Panda, The Ohio State University
- Multi-Versioning Performance Opportunities in BGAS System for Resilience
Nan Dun, University of Chicago; Dirk Pleiter, Jülich Research Centre, Aiman Fang, University of Chicago; Nicolas Vandenbergen, Jülich Research Centre; Andrew Chien, University of Chicago - High Order Seismic Simulations on the Intel Xeon Phi Processor (Knights Landing)
Alexander Heinecke, Intel Labs; Alexander Breuer, SDSC; Michael Bader, TUM; Pradeep Dubey, Intel
- OpenAtom: Scalable Ab-Initio Molecular Dynamics with Diverse Capability
Nikhil Jain, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Eric Bohm, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Eric Mikida, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Subhasish Mandal, Yale University; Minjung Kim, Yale Univeristy; Prateek Jindal, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Qi Li, IBM TJ Watson Laboratory; Sohrab Ismail-Beigi, Yale Univeristy; Glenn Martyna, IBM TJ Watson Laboratory; Laxmikant Kale, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Many-Core Acceleration of a Discrete Ordinates Transport Mini-App at Extreme Scale
Tom Deakin, University of Bristol; Simon McIntosh-Smith, University of Bristol; Wayne Gaudin, AWE
- An Efficient Parallel Load-Balancing Strategy for Orthogonal Decomposition of Geometrical Data
Bruno Magalhaes, Blue Brain Project, EPFL; Farhan Tauheed, Data-Intensive Applications & Systems Laboratory, EPFL; Thomas Heinis, Data-Intensive Applications & Systems Laboratory, EPFL; Anastasia Ailamaki, Data-Intensive Applications & Systems Laboratory, EPFL; Felix Schuermann, Blue Brain Project, EPFL
- SPRITE: A Fast Parallel SNP Detection Pipeline
Vasudevan Rengasamy & Kamesh Madduri, The Pennsylvania State University
- Parallel Community Detection Algorithm Using a Data Partitioning Strategy with Pairwise Subdomain Duplication
Diana Palsetia, Northwestern University; Wei-keng Liao, Northwestern University; Ankit Agrawal, Northwestern University; Alok Choudhary, Northwestern University; William Hendrix, University of South Florida; Sunwoo Lee, Northwestern University
- An Analytical Model-Based Auto-Tuning Framework for Locality-Aware Loop Scheduling
Rengan Xu, University of Houston; Sunita Chandrasekaran, University of Delaware; Xiaonan Tian, University of Houston; Barbara Chapman, Stony Brook University
- Scalability of Partial Differential Equations Preconditioner Resilient to Soft & Hard Faults
Karla Morris, Sandia National Labs; Francesco Rizzi, Sandia National Labs; Khachik Sargsyan, Sandia National Labs; Kathryn Dahlgren, UC Santa Cruz; Paul Mycek, Duke University; Cosmin Safta, Sandia National Labs; Olivier Le Maitre, LIMSI; Omar Knio, Duke University; Bert Debusschere, Sandia National Labs
- Comparing Runtime Systems with Exascale Ambitions Using the Parallel Research Kernels
Rob F. Van Der Wijngaart, Abdullah Kayi, Jeff R. Hammond, Timothy G. Mattson, Gabriele Jost, Tom St. John & Srinivas Sridharan, Intel; John Abercrombie & Jacob Nelson, University of Washington - Supercomputing Centers & Electricity Service Providers: A Geographically Distributed Perspective on Demand Management in Europe & the United States
Tapasya Patki, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; Natalie Bates, Energy Efficient High Performance Computing Working Group; Girish Ghatikar, Greenlots; Anders Clausen, University of Southern Denmark; Sonja Klingert, University of Mannheim; Ghaleb Abdulla, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; Mehdi Sheikhalishahi, Create-Net
ISC 2016 takes place June 19-23 in Frankfurt. Register now.
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