In this video from the 2016 HPC Advisory Council Switzerland Conference, Klaus Gottschalk from IBM presents: OpenPOWER Roadmap Toward CORAL.
“Last year IBM together with partners out of the OpenPOWER Foundation won two of the multi-year contracts of the US CORAL program. Within these contracts, IBM develops an accelerated HPC infrastructure and software development ecosystem that will be a major step towards Exascale Computing. We believe that the CORAL roadmap will enable a massive pull for transformation of HPC codes for accelerated systems. The talk will discuss the IBM HPC strategy, explain the OpenPOWER foundation and the show IBM OpenPOWER roadmap for CORAL and beyond.”
Klaus Gottschalk is a HPC architect for the IBM POWER platform. He works in High Performance Computing now over 20 years focusing on parallel system architecture, high throughput cluster file systems and MPI networking. Klaus frequently joined the HPC advisory council meeting in Lugano in the past years to give presentations on IBM HPC technology. Last year Klaus joined briefly Lenovo as part of the IBM System x divestiture. Since August, 2015 he is back with IBM.
See more talks in the Switzerland HPC Conference Video Gallery