ORiGAMI – Oak Ridge Graph Analytics for Medical Innovation

logo4In this video from the HPC User Forum in Tucson, Rangan Sukumar from ORNL presents: ORiGAMI – Oak Ridge Graph Analytics for Medical Innovation.

ORiGAMI is a tool for discovering and evaluating potentially interesting associations and creating novel hypothesis in medicine. ORiGAMI will help you “connect the dots” across 70 million knowledge nuggets published in 23 million papers in the medical literature. The tool works on a ‘Knowledge Graph’ derived from SEMANTIC MEDLINE published by the National Library of Medicine integrated with scalable software that enables term-based, path-based, meta-pattern and analogy-based reasoning principles. We welcome you to use this tool (using our demo-interface or the API-interface) to explore your clinical questions and find answers to questions such as “How does Nexium treat Heartburn?”, “What are the viruses that have similar characteristics as Ebola?”, “Is xylene carcinogenic?”, and “Can beta-blockers accelerate diabetic-retinopathy?”.

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