In this video from the 2016 OpenPOWER Summit, Stephen Bates of Microsemi presents: Enabling high-performance storage on OpenPOWER Systems.
“Non-Volatile Memory (NVM), and the low latency access to storage it provides, is changing the compute stack. NVM Express is the de-facto protocol for communicating with local NVM attached over the PCIe interface. In this talk we will demonstrate performance data for extermely low-latency NVMe devices operating inside OpenPOWER systems. We will discuss the implications of this for applications like in-memory databases, analytics and cognitive computing. In addition we will present data on the emerging NVMe over Fabrics (NVMf) protocol running on OpenPOWER systems.”
Stephen Bates (@stepbates) is a Senior Technical Director in the Chief Strategy and Technology Office of Microsemi. He works on issues related to NAND flash and other Non-Volatile Memory technologies and the implications of those technologies on storage architectures. He holds a PhD from the University of Edinburgh and is a Senior Member of the IEEE.