Agenda Posted for Exacom 2016 – Communication Architectures at Extreme Scale

iscThe International Workshop on Communication Architectures at Extreme Scale has published its Advance Agenda. Now in its second year, Exacom 2016 will be held in conjunction with ISC 2016 in Frankfurt on Thursday, June 23, 2016.

Extreme Scale computing is marked by multiple-levels of hierarchy and heterogeneity ranging from the compute units to storage devices to the network interconnects. Owing to the plethora of heterogeneous communication paths with different cost models expected to be present in extreme scale systems, data movement is seen as the soul of different challenges for exascale computing. On the other hand, advances in networking technologies such as NoCs (like NVLink and Storm Lake), RDMA enabled networks and the like are constantly pushing the envelope of research in the field of novel communication and computing architectures for extreme scale computing. The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers and software/hardware designers from academia, industry and national laboratories who are involved in creating network-based computing solutions for extreme scale architectures, to share their experiences and to learn the opportunities and challenges in designing next-generation HPC systems and applications.”

Speakers include:

  • Bronis R de Supinski, CTO, LLNL
  • William (Bill) Magro, Intel Fellow, Chief Technologist for Technical Computing, Intel Corporation
  • Yuichiro Ajima, Senior Architect, Fujitsu, Japan
  • Jiri Kraus, Senior Developer, NVIDIA
  • Jean-Pierre Panziera, Chief Technology Director for Extreme Computing, Bull Atos Technologies
  • Tor Skeie, Professor, Adjunct Research Scientist, Simula Research Laboratory
  • Michael Kagan, CTO, Mellanox Technologies
  • Taisuke Boku, Professor, University of Tsukuba
  • Dr. Khaled Hamidouche, The Ohio State University
  • Felix Zahn and Holger Froning, University of Heidelberg
  • Yuichiro Ajima, Takafumi Nose, Kazushige Saga, Naoyuki Shida and, Shinji Sumimoto, Fujitsu
  • Ron Brightwell, Sandia National Laboratories
  • Jeff Hammond, Research Scientist, Intel Corporation
  • Daniel Holmes, Applications Consultant in HPC Research, EPCC, United Kingdom
  • Laxmikant V. (Sanjay) Kale, Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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