Today XSEDE announced that Dr. Pamela McCauley has been named a plenary speaker for the XSEDE16 conference. In this dynamic keynote address, McCauley will discuss the impact of innovation on individuals, nations, and the global society.
McCauley will highlight her State Department HIV/AIDS Health Care Service Delivery work as an application example of the critical impact of science and technology innovation. Intertwined in her talk, McCauley will highlight the crucial component of diversity and why successful innovation is dependent on all-inclusive collaboration. In addition, she will share high and lows of her own career as well as research-based practical strategies for individuals and organizations to propel their actions into useful products and services, both globally and collaboratively.
McCauley is currently on assignment with the U.S. Department of State in her role as a Jefferson Science Fellow. The Jefferson Science Fellowship program serves as an innovative model for engaging the American academic science and engineering communities in U.S. foreign policy. McCauley is involved in technology assessment and policy, researching the globally critical Ergonomics of Ebola, HIV, and Other Infectious Diseases for Healthcare Workers.
McCauley is an ergonomics and biomechanics expert, a popular author, and an award-winning professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Systems at the University of Central Florida where she serves as Director of the Ergonomics Laboratory.
She is the author of more than 80 technical papers, book chapters, conference proceedings and the internationally best-selling ergonomics textbook, Ergonomics: Foundational Principles, Applications, and Technologies. Many of her leadership, diversity, innovation and STEM education related talks draw from her research-based book Transforming Your STEM Career Through Leadership and Innovation: Inspiration and Strategies for Women as well as her personal story — Winners Don’t Quit …Today They Call Me Doctor.
XSEDE16, the 5th annual conference, will showcase the discoveries, innovations, challenges and achievements of those who use and support XSEDE resources and services, as well as other digital resources and services throughout the world. This year’s theme is DIVERSITY, BIG DATA, & SCIENCE AT SCALE: Enabling the Next-Generation of Science and Technology.
Registration is now open for XSEDE16, which takes place July 17-21, 2016 in Miami.