Video: Adoption Trends for Solid State in Big Data Sites

weberIn this video from the 2016 MSST Conference, Bret Weber from DDN presents: Adoption Trends for Solid State in Big Data Sites.

“SSDs and all flash arrays are being marketed as a panacea. This may be true if you’re a small to medium enterprise that simply needs more performance for email servers or wants to speed-up just a few hundred VMs. But, for Enterprise At-scale and High Performance Computing environments, identifying and removing I/O bottlenecks is much more complex than simply exchanging spinning disk drives with flash devices. Aside from performance – efficiency, scalability and integration are also critical success factors in larger and non-standard environments. In this domain, selecting a partner with the tools, technology and experience to holistically examine and optimize your entire I/O path can deliver orders of magnitude greater acceleration and competitive advantage to your organization.”

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