Do you like Water? Do you like Pumps?

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The HPC industry is ever facing more and more challenges on various topics and especially a significant increase in cooling requirements.

To meet those requirement, liquid cooling looks like THE solution. But what looks and is performant like a Pumped Water cooling without Pump, without Water? Calyos Loop Heat Pipe cooling solution.

As simple as a heatsink, as performant as water cooling, what else?

Pump-free and Water-free

Today in 2016, Calyos sells an industrial cooling solution for server with low thermal resistance and high volumetric density. This local solution, avoiding any infrastructure adaptation, is an extended air cooling solution taking advantage of the increased heat exchanger fins area allowed by the displacement of the dissipated heat from the CPU to more convenient places in (or outside) the server. Calyos LHP is a non-intrusive (only 2 thin, possibly long length and flexible tubes), jumps easily over any stumbling block and is easy to adapt to any board configuration and layout also able to address additional dissipating components (Memories, VRs, …).

Product example N°1: Intel HNS2600KP Retrofit

Following customer requirement, Calyos has replaced, without any electrical, mechanical nor software changes, the existing cooling system of the server in order to be able to be run in a warmer environment: 35°C instead of 20°C keeping the Tcase at 70°C maximum at full load.

Perf Calyos vs HS

Intel HNS2600KP retrofit

Intel HNS2600KP retrofit

Product example N°2: a Fanless workstation

Calyos has optimized its Fanless PC for workstation applications. Pump-free, water-free and also noise-free, Calyos LHP is the only product that can transport and spread the heat out of the workstation on such a large surface to be cooled only with natural convection whatever the position of the dissipating components.

Fanless Workstation with Calyos cooling solution

Fanless Workstation with Calyos cooling solution

Product example N°3: ITX Blade

Calyos propose an adaptation of a mid-end motherboard for high-end server configuration use managing any cooling air flow issue induced by DIMs shadowing CPUs heatsink of whatever other dissipating component. Thanks to its only 2 thin, possibly long length and flexible tubes, Calyos LHP can transport and reject the heat in the most convenient place in any server.

ITX Blade

ITX Blade

As simple as a heatsink, as performant as water cooling, what else?