Univa Grid Engine Supports New Intel Xeon Phi Processor

gridengine2Today Univa announced the release of Univa Grid Engine Version 8.4.0 with preview support for the Intel Xeon Phi processor (formerly code-named “Knights Landing”), enabling enterprises to launch and control jobs on Intel Xeon Phi processor-based systems. The update simplifies running and managing applications on Intel Xeon Phi processor-based clusters.

Grid Engine 8.4.0 has many significant updates including Docker support and integration with the new Intel Xeon Phi processor,” said Bill Bryce, Vice President of Products at Univa. “This latest release will allow a user or administrator to schedule jobs so that the right business-critical jobs are prioritized over other workloads-thus maximizing shared resources and allowing Univa customers to gain velocity.”

Of the more than 80 key features updates, the major updates include:

  • Support of Docker containers – Univa Grid Engine will automatically dispatch jobs to run in Docker containers from a user specified Docker image
  • System Profiling – Administrators can examine different aspects of Univa Grid Engine to determine if a type of job, configuration or infrastructure outside of Univa Grid Engine is causing issues and slowdowns.

As a key element of the Intel Scalable System Framework, the Intel Xeon Phi processor is set to change the face of High Performance Computing, bringing unprecedented parallel processing capability into the compute socket,” said Hugo Saleh, Director of Marketing, High Performance Computing Platform Group, Intel Corporation. “Grid Engine 8.4.0 will extend Univa’s enterprise class job scheduling and monitoring capabilities to maximize the effective use of the Xeon Phi processor.”

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