Are you looking at how to deliver HPC services through the Cloud? The CloudLightning Project in Europe is seeking your input on a new survey.
As part of the EU-funded CloudLightning project, the Irish Centre for Cloud Computing and Commerce at Dublin City University is undertaking research on drivers and barriers of cloud computing adoption for high performance computing. This research will be used to inform government and industrial policy in the area of HPC in the cloud. Information compiled from the questionnaire will only be reported in aggregate form and the information you provide will remain strictly confidential. The data will be stored securely and will be accessible only to the research team. Your participation in the study is voluntary and very much appreciated. It is possible to withdraw from the study at any point. Participants may remain anonymous unless they wish to enter into a draw for a tablet, in which case contact details are required. The winner will receive an iPad Air 16GB.
CloudLightning proposes a new way of provisioning heterogeneous cloud resources to deliver services, specified by the user, using a bespoke service description language. Due to the evolving complexity of modern heterogeneous clouds, we propose to build our system based on principles of self-management and self-organization.
In this video, Prof. John Morrison from University College Cork describes the CloudLightning project. CloudLightning’s vision is a European economy that thrives and leads the world in the provision and adoption of high performance cloud computing services.
If you have any questions regarding the survey, or the progress of our project, please do not hesitate to contact or