Steve Oberlin Presents: Accelerating Understanding – Machine Learning & Intelligent Applications

Steve Oberlin, CTO of Accelerated Computing at Nvidia

Steve Oberlin, CTO of Accelerated Computing at Nvidia

In this video from The Digital Future conference in Berlin, Steve Oberlin from Nvidia presents: Accelerating Understanding: Machine Learning, Intelligent Applications.

“Oberlin will discuss machine learning and neural networks, explore a few advanced applications based on deep learning algorithms, discuss the foundation and architecture of representative algorithms, and illustrate the pivotal role GPU acceleration is playing in this exciting and rapidly expanding field.”

Steve Oberlin is an evangelist for massively parallel processing. He directed the early architecture research leading to the launch of Cray’s MPP project, was the chief architect of the Cray’s parallel supercomputer systems, and is now CTO for NVIDIAs Tesla GPU roadmap.

Check out the Inside HPC Guide to The Industrialization of Deep Learning