EU HPC Strategy and the European Cloud Initiative

Leornado Flores Añover, Senior Expert, DG Connect, European Commission

Leornado Flores Añover, Senior Expert, DG Connect, European Commission

In this video from the 2016 HPC User Forum in Austin, Leonardo Flores from the European Commission presents: The HPC Strategy and the European Cloud Initiative.

“The European Cloud Initiative will strengthen Europe’s position in data-driven innovation, improve competitiveness and cohesion, and help create a Digital Single Market in Europe.”
This initiative will provide European science, industry and public authorities with:

  • A world-class data infrastructure to store and manage data
  • High-speed connectivity to transport data
  • Ever more powerful High Performance Computers to process data

REC-16-003-cloud communication2“The Cloud Initiative will make it easier for researchers, businesses and public services to fully exploit the benefits of Big Data by making it possible to move, share and re-use data seamlessly across global markets and borders, and among institutions and research disciplines. Making research data openly available can help boost Europe’s competitiveness, especially for start-ups, SMEs and companies who can use data as a basis for R&D and innovation, and can even spur new industries.”

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