The Future of HPC Application Management in a Post Cloud World

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HPC-Cloud-300x214The fact of the matter is that cloud computing is everywhere and the high-performance computing (HPC) world has been engulfed by this wave. As prices becoming continuously lower and performance increases, public cloud environments are becoming a viable option for most corporations using traditional IT environments as well as HPC environments.

Cloud Computing allows users instant access to unlimited computational resources. But the issue is that traditional HPC management tools are not adapted to deliver the promises of the cloud to fulfill user expectations of simplicity, flexibility and speed. Next generation HPC management tools need to be able to simplify HPC management for complex multiple environments, provide IT administrators more control and visibility, and allow end-users to manage themselves.

Today’s cloud appliances
Currently, it is complicated to deploy a cloud application stack or appliance and requires several involved steps to be performed. The first step requires a user to create and setup their cloud account. Once the account has been created, the user then works on setting up and building the appliance itself. To do this, the user must acquire the application binaries, build the image, and integrate the image with their IT tools for monitoring, management, storage, etc. and then establish security policies.

Once, the build phases is over it is then time to start the run phase. First the user has to start the appliance, and then closely monitor it to ensure the performance of the applications is on par and that the costs are under control in order to maintain the allotted budget and avoid unexpected charges. When the work is complete, the appliance has to be removed and broken down for each deployment.

Overall the process is complex, time consuming and allows for too many errors.

To improve and streamline this process, Altair has created the next generation of HPC application management by combining cloud computing, DevOps and Big Data technologies.

PBS Cloud Manager: One tool, many infrastructures
PBS Cloud Manager is a completely new solution that allows users to easily build and manage their own HPC application stack, dramatically simplifying the complexity of managing multi-environment infrastructure. It models, creates, deploys, manages and monitors appliances in a multi-cloud environment. It can be deployed anywhere and manages the entire life-cycle of a user’s stack on the public cloud or in a private datacenter with private cloud and bare metal. It works with any kind of application from Altair’s HyperWorks and PBS Works to third party software and even in-house home grown applications.

PBS Cloud Manager is intelligent, fast and user friendly. Deployments are made simple by allowing users to build and deploy quickly within minutes through an intuitive user interface that builds complex architecture graphically. It handles the entire appliance lifecycle and provides data with aggregate logs and monitoring in a single pane of glass, which means additional analytics tools are not needed.

It allows for cloud bursting to effectively and automatically manage peak loads through policies in order to control expenditure and optimize consumption. Finally, PBS Cloud Manager is secure and customizable. Administrators can set-up and customize security policies and manage the rights of users through role based access control.

With PBS Cloud Manager, Altair shapes the future of HPC application management in a post-cloud world. It provides a tool to IT managers and end-usersthat can get the job done anwyere simply and securely.

hpc-application-managementAccessing PBS Cloud Manager
PBS Cloud Manager will be available later in two different options. First it will be available as a public platform, a SaaS application, and does not require any installation with support provided online. The second option will make it available as a software program that is installed on-site, in a highly available and scalable configuration.

Learn more about PBS Cloud Manager
A private preview is available for those who are interested in trying it out early, register now: