Apply Now for ISC 2017 Student Cluster Competition

Student Cluster Comp 2014 200pxlsAttention students: there is still time to enter your team into the ISC-HPCAC Student Cluster Competition. As part of the ISC 2017 conference, the Student Cluster Competition will take place June 18-22 in Frankfurt, Germany.

The ISC-HPCAC Student Cluster Competition is an opportunity to showcase student expertise in a friendly yet spirited competition. The competition features small teams that compete to demonstrate the incredible capabilities of state-of- the-art high-performance cluster hardware and software. In a real-time challenge, 12 teams of six undergraduate and/or high school students will build a small cluster of their own design on the ISC exhibit floor and race to demonstrate the greatest performance across a series of benchmarks and applications. The students will have a unique opportunity to learn, experience and demonstrate how high-performance computing influence our world and day-to-day learning. Held in collaboration of the HPC Advisory Council and ISC High Performance organizers, the Student Cluster Competition is designed to introduce the next generation of students to the high performance computing world and community.

Teams must prepare and submit a proposal describing:

  • Team members including the year which the students enrolled in the educational institution.
  • Biographies, personal and group pictures are strongly encouraged
  • Educational Institution logo (in .jpg and .eps format)
  • Point of contact information (Name, address, title/position, phone number, email) who will be responsible for distributing information to all team members.
  • Why are you participating?
  • Why do you believe that you have put together a winning team?
  • What sorts of diversity in skills does your team possess?
  • Why will your team work well together?
  • What experience do you and your team members have?
  • How will your team work together to tune and optimize the application set?
  • isc2017General overview of your desired cluster hardware and software configuration (i.e. nodes, cores, memory, interconnect, operating system)
  • For the showcase period of the conference, what demonstrations do you anticipate to impress and attract conference attendees?
  • Explain the commitment of the institution to educating the broader student community about the usefulness and the accessibility of High Performance Computing at your institution; explain how cluster computing is integrated in the educational curriculum of the proposing institution.

Applications are due Nov. 11, 2016.