Tejas Karmarkar, Senior Program Manager, Microsoft Azure
In this Slidecast from the Microsoft Ignite Conference, Tejas Karmarkar describes how to run your HPC Simulations on Microsoft Azure – with UberCloud container technology.
“High performance computing applications are some of the most challenging to run in the cloud due to requirements that can include fast processors, low-latency networking, parallel file systems, GPUs, and Linux. We show you how to run these engineering, research and scientific workloads in Microsoft Azure with performance equivalent to on-premises. We use customer case studies to illustrate the basic architecture and alternatives to help you get started with HPC in Azure.”
For software developers and providers, be it in-house, open-source, or commercial, UberCloud develops ready to run application software containers to ease the usability, accessibility, and portability challenges for the development, execution, and maintenance of engineering and scientific applications in public and private cloud environments.
Tejas Karmarkar is a Principal Program Manager for Azure High Performance Computing based in Microsoft’s Redmond, Washington corporate headquarters. He has worked in Microsoft for 10 years starting from the data center and then Private Cloud before moving to High Performance Computing team 2 years ago. Currently, Tejas is responsible for engineering and business strategy for Big Computer and High Performance Computing solutions running on Microsoft Azure Cloud for the manufacturing and simulation industry.