Call for Papers: PASC17 Conference in Lugano

pascThe PASC17 Conference has issued its Call for Papers. Co-sponsored by ACM and SIGHPC, the event will take place June 26-28, 2017 in Lugano, Switzerland.

The PASC Conference is an interdisciplinary event in high performance computing that brings together domain science, applied mathematics and computer science – where computer science is focused on enabling the realization of scientific computation.

Lugano, Switzerland

Lugano, Switzerland

The goal of the PASC papers initiative is to advance the quality of scientific communication between the various disciplines of computational science and engineering. The initiative is built from an observation that the computer science community traditionally publishes in the proceedings of major international conferences, while domain science communities publish primarily in disciplinary journals – neither of which is read regularly by the other disciplinary community. PASC papers presents a remedy to this situation that enables interdisciplinary exchange in a manner that bridges scientific publishing cultures and is useful to individual and community research goals.

The PASC17 papers program is soliciting high-quality contributions of original research relating to high performance computing in eight domain-specific tracks:

  • Life Sciences
  • Climate and Weather
  • Computer Science and Applied Mathematics
  • Emerging Domains in HPC
  • Engineering
  • Materials Science and Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Solid Earth DynamicsWe invite paper submissions for PASC17 of page length between 5 and 10 pages. The page limits include figures, tables, and appendices, but not references, for which there are no limits.

Submissions are due Dec. 12, 2016.

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  1. Matteo Corti says

    The village in the picture is definitely not Lugano