Jack Wells from ORNL will keynote the WACCPD Workshop at SC16
The third Workshop on Accelerator Programming Using Directives (WACCPD) has posted their meeting agenda. Held in conjunction with SC16, the WACCPD workshop takes place Nov. 14 in Salt Lake City.
To address the rapid pace of hardware evolution, developers continue to explore and add richer features to the various (parallel) programming standards. Domain scientists continue to explore the programming and tools space while preparing themselves for future Exascale systems. This workshop explores innovative language features – their implementations, compilation & runtime scheduling techniques, performance optimization strategies, autotuning tools exploring the optimization space and so on. WACCPD has been one of the major forums for bringing together the users, developers and tools community to share their knowledge and experiences of using directives and similar approaches to program emerging complex systems.
Speakers include:
- Jack Wells (OLCF, ORNL) – Keynote
- Ian Bertolacci (University of Arizona) – Identifying and Scheduling Loop Chains Using Directives
- John Pennycook (Intel Corporation, USA) – A Modern Memory Management System for OpenMP
- Nobuhiro Miki (Osaka University, Japan) – An Extension of OpenACC Directives for Out-of-Core Stencil Computation with Temporal Blocking
- Robert Searles, Stephen Herbein (University of Delaware) – A Portable, High-Level Graph Analytics Framework Targeting Distributed, Heterogeneous Systems
- Ahmad Lashgar (University of Victoria, Canada) – OpenACC cache Directive: Opportunities and Optimizations
- Akihiro Hayashi (Rice University) – Exploring Compiler Optimization Opportunities for the OpenMP 4.x Accelerator Model on a POWER8+GPU Platform
- M. Graham Lopez (ORNL) – Towards Achieving Performance Portability using Directives for Accelerators
- Takuma Yamaguchi (University of Tokyo, Japan), Kohei Fujita (RIKEN, Japan) – Acceleration of Element-by-Element Kernel in Unstructured Implicit Low-order Finite-element Earthquake Simulation using OpenACC on Pascal GPUs
Registration is now open for SC16, which takes place Nov. 13-18 in Salt Lake City.