In this video, the SC conference series previews SC17, which comes to Denver Nov. 12-17, 2017.
SC17 General Chair Bernd Mohr introduced the theme of the upcoming conference with these fine words:
“One connection can change your life.
Our community is making millions of connections every day:
by bringing together people at workshops, conferences, in research teams and projects,
by connecting extreme-scale supercomputers to instruments and visualization and data analytics systems,
by inspiring collaborations between different fields of science And all with the goal of making the greatest impact on society and changing our world
I invite you to continue on this journey of creating meaningful connections at SC17.
So I hope to see you all again next year in Denver for another amazing conference.”

Bernd Mohr, SC17 General Chair
Bernd Mohr started to design and develop tools for performance analysis of parallel programs already with his diploma thesis (1987) at the University of Erlangen in Germany, and continued this in his Ph.D. work (1987 to 1992). During a three year Postdoc position at the University of Oregon, Eugene, he designed and implemented the original TAU performance analysis framework. Since 1996 he has been a senior scientist at Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany’s largest multidisciplinary research center and home of Europe’s most parallel HPC system, a 28-rack BlueGene/Q. Since 2000, he is the team leader for the group “Programming Environments and Performance Optimization”. Besides being responsible for user support and training in regard to performance tools at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC), he is leading the Scalasca and Score-P performance tools efforts in Jülich. Since 2007, he also serves as deputy head for the JSC division “Application support”. He is an active member in the International Exascale Software Project (IESP/BDEC) and work package leader in the European (EESI2) and Jülich (EIC, ECL) Exascale efforts. For the SC and ISC Conference series, he serves on the Steering Committee. He is the author of several dozen conference and journal articles about performance analysis and tuning of parallel programs.