ASC17 Student Competitors to Gain Access to #1 Sunway TaihuLight Supercomputer

asc17Today the Asia Supercomputer Community announced that the world’s fastest supercomputer, Sunway TaihuLight, will be used by students in the upcoming 2017 ASC Student Supercomputer Challenge.

The 2017 ASC team registration and proposal application process began during SC16 and is now open to all universities and organizations worldwide.

To date, the Sunway TaihuLight is the only supercomputer in the world that has a peak performance of over 100 PFlops. It is housed in the National Supercomputing Center in Wuxi, China, and remains in first place on the Top 500 supercomputers list this month. Now using the world’s fastest supercomputer as a competition platform, all ASC17 teams will be able to access the most advanced and sophisticated supercomputing technology.

Sunway in Wuxi, China

Sunway TaihuLight Supercomputer in Wuxi, China

Inspur is one of the key organizers of the ASC Student Supercomputer Challenge, the event is now also the world’s largest supercomputing hackathon.

ASC17 will run for over four months, during which the teams will be made up of up to five undergraduate students and one advisor. During the preliminary round, from next January to March, each team is to submit a proposal including the results and the code of the optimization application. All proposals will be thoroughly reviewed by the ASC17 Evaluation Committee. The teams selected through the preliminaries will come to the competition site for the finals in late April.

The teams will design and build a cluster under 3000W to conduct a benchmark test, a mystery app, and other applications involving the latest technologies. Prizes and awards will be based on single applications and overall performances.

The ASC Student Supercomputer Challenge, initiated by the Asia Supercomputer Community in 2012, serves to inspire the next generation of HPC scientists and engineers to deliver innovative solutions. Closely following cutting-edge technologies, the ASC continues to attract a growing number of new talent to the supercomputing community and has greatly promoted communications in the HPC network of the world.


In 2016, a total of 175 teams from 148 universities across six continents entered the competition. The team from Huazhong University of Science and Technology won the championship, and the Shanghai Jiao Tong University team was the Silver Winner.

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