Asetek Liquid Cooling Delivers Savings and Flexibility for HPC

Steve Branton, Asetek

Steve Branton, Asetek

In this video from SC16, Steve Branton from Asetek describes the company’s innovative liquid cooling systems for high performance computing.

“With the accelerating trend of higher wattages and the continuing requirement of high density, the need for adaptable, cost effective, and reliable liquid cooling is accelerating among those striving to obtain TOP500 status. This need is exactly what Asetek’s distributed cooling architecture provides.”

Asetek data center liquid cooling technology is the result of numerous patent protected innovations and components designed to work together. Many of the server components are based on the evolution of proven desktop PC designs combined with real world feedback from million of units installed and in use. However, the more stringent mission critical demands of the data center require that components are subject to their own set of tests to match the performance and reliability needs of the data center and server markets.

Asetek does not market individual components to the server and data center markets, but rather, Asetek works directly with OEMs to define, develop and integrate the components into whole liquid cooling solutions specific to their needs. Unlike one-size-fits-all approaches, the flexibility of Asetek distributed liquid cooling technology enables OEMs to provide a fit-to-need strategy that is compelling to the elite members of the supercomputing community.

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