Preparing Developers for Tomorrow’s Systems

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In this special guest feature, Bill Mannel from Hewlett Packard Enterprise writes that upcoming Intel HPC Developer Conference in Salt Lake City is a great opportunity to learn about code modernization for the next generation of high performance computing applications.

Bill Mannel, VP & GM of HPC & Big Data Business Unit at HP

Bill Mannel, VP & GM of HPC, Big Data, and IoT Solutions at Hewlett Packard Enterprise

As computing systems grow increasingly parallel, a substantial rise in system concurrency is challenging every segment of the industry, from hardware to software to applications. Today’s software community is struggling to overcome some complex programming challenges in order to allow enterprises to make effective use of the massive datasets produced in the age of Big Data. A key challenge among developers is gaining the knowledge and expertise they need to write programs that not only operate efficiently on current systems, but that are capable of scaling for future systems as we hurdle toward the exabyte realm.

As a result, there is a widening demand for opportunities for developers to come together and discuss the latest trends in high-performance computing (HPC) and data sciences/AI. In an effort to foster an environment of learning and collaboration among developers, Intel® will host their annual HPC Developer Conference next weekend in Salt Lake City. The conference, which will take place on November 12th-13th just ahead of the SC16 conference, aims to converge developers with HPC industry leaders and architecture experts to connect and promote a discussion of the latest advances and proven best practices in supercomputing.

The free conference is open to developers who are looking to gain experience and increase their technical knowledge in HPC code modernization, emerging HPC technologies, and the latest on Intel® architecture. An array of networking opportunities, hands-on lab sessions, expert panels, and keynotes will also help developers learn new approaches for achieving peak performance for HPC workloads and addressing real-life challenges in parallel programming.

The annual conference is created to help cutting-edge developers stay informed on the latest trends and programming techniques, hear peer research and breakthroughs, get hands-on training from Intel® and industry experts, and see how to extract the most value from Intel® architecture solutions. Experts from the ecosystem along with Intel® and other enterprise IT companies will be on-hand to showcase unique best practices for applications deployment on HPC clusters, offer insight into the future of HPC, and weigh-in on trending topics like virtualization, machine learning and AI, new software tools, and more.

An entrenched industry leader in the overall HPC market, Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) delivers a best-in-class portfolio of HPC servers and other solutions designed to support Intel® chips and architecture. In addition to acting as an event sponsor, HPE will host a featured speaker session entitled Best Practices and Performance Study of HPC Clusters, which will be delivered by Dr. Logan Sankaran, HPC Strategist for HPE.

On Sunday, November 13th from 10:50-11:40AM, Dr. Sankaran will help developers enhance their understanding of building and optimizing HPC applications. The speaker session will focus on highlighting key system tunables, as well as address porting, optimizing and running applications to maximize the performance of HPC workloads. Dr. Sankaran will also offer practical tips, techniques, and checklists for building and running applications on multi-core processors.

HPC technologies are progressively becoming essential to solving some of the world’s most complex issues, and programming paradigms are necessary in order to develop the next-generation of extremely efficient, high-performance parallel applications. As computing systems grow increasingly complex and new architecture designs become mainstream, training developers to write code which runs on future HPC systems will require a collaborative environment and the expertise of the best and brightest in the industry.

Register now for the Intel® HPC Developer Conference, and join us in Salt Lake City to explore the future of HPC programming and discover how you can impact the future.