The High Performance Computing Saudi Arabia conference has issued its Call for Posters. The event takes place March 13-15 at KAUST University.
The seventh HPC Saudi Arabian conference is soliciting submissions for posters that portray interesting research and work-in-progress in the areas of big-data for exascale computing, high performance visualization and analytics, hardware accelerators, high performance applications, and cloud computing. The poster session will culminate with the presentation of a “Best Poster” award. The award-winning poster will be selected based on quality of research work and poster presentation.
HPC Saudi is the premier regional event in the field, where participants can meet each other, share ideas and experiences, and discuss cooperation and collaboration. This is the seventh HPC Saudi event and this year it will focus on coordinated efforts for the advancement of the HPC ecosystem in the Kingdom.
HPC Saudi 2017 Student Travel Awards are given to help in-Kingdom students gain the experience and exposure that comes from attending an HPC conference. The travel awards are intended to help students defray some of the costs of their attendance. Any full-time student in good standing is eligible to receive an award. Top priority will be given to students presenting posters at the conference (click here for more information), with second priority to students who are attending Tutorial Sessions (i.e. Day 3) of the conference. Only students traveling more than 200 kilometers to the conference are eligible for the travel award.
Submissions are due January 7, 2017.
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