UberCloud Details Recent Progress in CAE Cloud Computing

compendiumcover4Over at Desktop Engineering, Wolfgang Gentzsch and Burak Yenier write that the new 2016 Compendium of Engineering Cloud Case Studies showcases great progress in CAE Cloud Computing.

In the early days of cloud computing, users complained that they got lost in the complexity of accessing and using cloud resources, and once using one cloud they were not able to easily use another cloud when needed. With the advent of software container technology for CAE and other applications this complexity disappeared. Software containers bundle OS, libraries and tools, as well as application codes and even engineering and scientific workflows. Today it is easily possible to access your application and data through your browser in any cloud the same way you access your desktop workstation.

Now in its fourth year, the ongoing UberCloud Experiment comprises 50 computer-aided engineering (CAE) cloud experiments per year and 20 engineering simulation case studies in one compendium each year since 2013. The objectives of the UberCloud Experiment are 1) creating a community of CAE in the cloud supporters, 2) better understanding cloud computing roadblocks, and of 3) identifying solutions to be able to resolve those roadblocks.

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