Call for Exhibitors: PASC17 in Lugano

Industry and academic institutions are invited to showcase their R&D at PASC17, an interdisciplinary event in high performance computing that brings together domain science, applied mathematics and computer science. The event takes place June 26-28 in Lugano, Switzerland.

The PASC17 Conference offers a unique opportunity for your organization to gain visibility at a national and international level, to showcase your R&D and to network with leaders in the fields of HPC simulation and data science. PASC17 builds on a successful history – with 350 attendees in 2016 – and continues to expand its program and international profile year on year.

The PASC17 Conference provides a global platform for participants from academia, research labs and industry to discuss the state-of-the-art in high performance computing simulation and data science.

PASC17 brings together scientists from the following research fields: Chemistry and Materials, Climate and Weather, Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, Emerging Domains in HPC, Engineering, Life Sciences, Physics, and Solid Earth Dynamics.

The PASC17 Conference provides three days of stimulating technical sessions including keynote presentations, minisymposia, peer-reviewed papers, panels and poster sessions. The conference is co-sponsored by ACM SIGHPC and full papers are published in the ACM Digital Library.

Plenary speakers include:

  • Katrin Amunts (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany)
  • Katrin Heitmann (University of Chicago, USA)
  • Haohan Fu (Tsinghua University, China)
  • Matthias Troyer (Microsoft Research, USA)

Further information on keynote speakers is available at

The exhibition area will be located in the ground floor foyer. Coffee breaks and lunches will be held in the same area that the exhibition stands will be located, thus ensuring maximum visibility. Each exhibitor will have 6 m2 available for its stand.

Exhibition Packages

The PASC17 Conference offers the following exhibition packages:

The exhibition package includes:

  • Logo on a dedicated exhibitors’ page (
  • Space for a furnished information stand (1 table, 2 chairs, a poster panel and Wi-Fi)
  • Two complimentary entrance passes, giving access to all sessions, conference materials, coffee breaks and two lunches

The exhibition package includes:

Exhibition Hours

Monday, June 26, 2017 09:00 – 19:00
Tuesday, June 27, 2017 09:00 – 17:30
Wednesday, June 28, 2017 09:00 – 16:00

If you are interested in exhibiting please contact our exhibition program manager at for further information.

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