Steve Scott, Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer at Cray
In this video from KAUST, Steve Scott from at Cray explains where supercomputing is going and why there is a never-ending demand for faster and faster computers. Responsible for guiding Cray’s long term product roadmap in high-performance computing, storage and data analytics, Mr. Scott is chief architect of several generations of systems and interconnects at Cray.
Steve Scott serves as Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, responsible for guiding the long-term technical direction of Cray’s supercomputing, storage and analytics products. Dr. Scott rejoined Cray in 2014 after serving as principal engineer in the platforms group at Google and before that as the senior vice president and chief technology officer for NVIDIA’s Tesla business unit. Dr. Scott first joined Cray in 1992, after earning his Ph.D. in computer architecture and BSEE in computer engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He was the chief architect of several Cray supercomputers and interconnects. Dr. Scott is a noted expert in high performance computer architecture and interconnection networks. He holds 35 U.S. patents in the areas of interconnection networks, cache coherence, synchronization mechanisms and scalable parallel architectures. He received the 2005 ACM Maurice Wilkes Award and the 2005 IEEE Seymour Cray Computer Engineering Award, and is a Fellow of IEEE and ACM.