Xiaoyi Lu from Ohio State University
In this video from the OpenFabrics Workshop, Xiaoyi Lu from Ohio State University presents: Building Efficient HPC Clouds with MCAPICH2 and RDMA-Hadoop over SR-IOV InfiniBand Clusters.
“Single Root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV) technology has been steadily gaining momentum for high performance interconnects such as InfiniBand. SR-IOV can deliver near native performance but lacks locality-aware communication support. This talk presents an efficient approach to building HPC clouds based on MVAPICH2 and RDMA-Hadoop with SR-IOV. We discuss high-performance designs of the virtual machine and container aware MVAPICH2 library over SR-IOV enabled HPC Clouds.”
This talk will also present a high-performance virtual machine migration framework for MPI applications on SR-IOV enabled InfiniBand clouds. The MVAPICH2 software for building HPC Clouds presented in this talk is publicly available. We will also discuss how to leverage the high-performance networking features (e.g., RDMA, SR-IOV) on cloud environments to accelerate data processing through RDMAHadoop package, which is publicly available. Comprehensive performance evaluations on NSF-supported Chameleon Cloud show that our design can deliver the near bare-metal performance.”