ISC 2017 Announces Finalists for Hans Meuer Award

Today ISC 2017 announced the finalists for the Hans Meuer Award. Introduced in memory of the late Dr. Hans Meuer of TOP500 fame, the award recognizes the most outstanding research paper submitted to the conference’s Research Papers Committee. 


  • An Overview of MPI Characteristics of Exascale Proxy Applications” by Benjamin Klenk and Prof. Holger Froening of Ruprecht-Karls University Heidelberg. The paper discusses a number of MPI characteristic including time spent in certain operations, point-to-point versus collective communication, message sizes and rates, and how applications use MPI to exploit node-level parallelism.
  • Designing Dynamic and Adaptive MPI Point-to-Point Communication Protocols for Efficient Overlap of Computation and Communication” by Dr. Hari Subromoni, Sourav Chakraborty and Prof. Dhabaleswar Panda from The Ohio State University. In this paper, they propose an adaptive protocol design that dynamically optimizes the communication behavior of the application at runtime.

Both teams will present their papers at the research paper award session on Monday, June 19 to the general audience and a small committee that will decide the winning paper. The winner will be announced and awarded the following day in conjunction with the Tuesday keynote.

In related news, ISC 2017 also announced that 22 research papers that have been accepted for presentation at their three-day Research Paper Session:

  • An Overview of MPI Characteristics of Exascale Proxy Applications
  • Designing Dynamic and Adaptive MPI Point-to-Point Communication Protocols for Efficient Overlap of Computation and Communication
  • Extreme Event Analysis in Next Generation Simulation Architectures
  • Neuromapp: a Mini-Application Framework to Improve Neural Simulators
  • Alleviating I/O Interference through Workload-Aware Striping and Load-Balancing on Parallel File Systems
  • EvoGraph: On-The-Fly Efficient Mining of Evolving Graphs on GPU
  • Fully-Resolved Simulations of Dune Formation in Riverbeds
  • The Investigation of the ARMv7 and Intel Haswell Architectures Suitability for Performance and Energy-Aware Computing
  • Global Extensible Open Power Manager: A Vehicle for HPC Community Collaboration Toward Co-Designed Energy Management Solutions
  • Gearshifft – The FFT Benchmark Suite for Heterogeneous Platforms
  • Tile Low Rank Cholesky Factorization for Climate/Weather Modeling Applications on Manycore Architectures
  • Fast Matrix-Free Discontinuous Galerkin Kernels on Modern Computer Architectures
  • Metrics for Energy-Aware Software Optimisation
  • Incremental SVM on Intel Xeon Phi Processors
  • Accelerating Seismic Simulations using the Intel Xeon Phi Knights Landing Processor
  • A Framework for Out of Memory SVD Algorithms
  • A New Parallel Research Kernel to Expand Research on Dynamic Load-Balancing Capabilities
  • An Analysis of Core-and Chip-Level Architectural Features in Four Generations of Intel Server Processors
  • EDGE: Extreme Scale Fused Seismic Simulations with the Discontinuous Galerkin Method
  • Diagnosing Performance Variations in HPC Applications Using Machine Learning
  • LAMMPS’ PPPM Long-Range Solver for the Second Generation Xeon Phi
  • Communication Reducing Algorithms for Distributed Hierarchical N-Body Problems with Boundary Distributions

The ISC 2017 conference takes place June 18-22 in Frankfurt, Germany.

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