Bridging Big – Small, Fast – Slow with Campaign Storage

In this video from the MSST 2017 Mass Storage Conference, Peter Braam presents: Bridging Big – Small, Fast – Slow with Campaign Storage.

“Economic considerations and technology developments are necessitating widely usable tiered storage. Untroubled by the worries of transparency and performance, Campaign Storage—invented at Los Alamos National Laboratory—offers radical revisions of old workflows and adapts to new technologies. But it also leverages widely available technologies and interfaces to offer stability from the ground up and blend in with the past. We’ll discuss how a simple combination of components can support scalability, data analytics and efficient integration with memory based storage.”

Campaign Storage is built on two mature existing technologies: parallel file systems and object stores. We choose Lustre on top of ZFS for the file system and we will support many 3rd party object stores. Campaign Storage is a file system and can happily co-exist with many data management technologies such as Robinhood. Campaign Storage will be contributing some new elements to data management itself, but the primary goal is to deliver a technology that lives in an eco-system.

Peter Braam is a scientist and entrepreneur focused on large scale computing problems. After obtaining a PhD in mathematics under Michael Atiyah, he was an academic at several universities including Oxford, CMU and Cambridge. One of his startup companies developed the Lustre file system which is widely used. Most other products he designed were sold to major corporations. From 2013, Peter has been assisting computing design for the SKA telescope as a consultant. Currently Peter is doing research in storage and also architecting a product for Campaign Storage, LLC.

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