CERN openlab Joins Intel Modern Code Developer Challenge

James Reinders

James Reinders writes that a new Intel Modern Code Developer Challenge has teamed up with CERN openlab.

It is always an exciting time when I get to announce a Modern Code Developer Challenge from my friends at Intel, but it is even more special when I get to announce a collaboration with the brilliant minds at CERN. Beginning this month (July 2017), and running for nine weeks, five exceptional students participating in the CERN openlab Summer Student Programme are working to research and develop solutions for five modern-code-centered challenges.

These are no ordinary challenges, as you might have already guessed—here is a brief summary of what they are tackling:

  • Smash-simulation software: Teaching algorithms to be faster at simulating particle-collision events.
  • Connecting the dots: Using machine learning to better identify the particles produced by collision events.
  • Cells in the cloud: Running biological simulations more efficiently with cloud computing.
  • Disaster relief: Helping computers to get better at recognizing objects in satellite maps created by a UN agency.
  • IoT at the LHC: Integrating Internet of Things devices into the control systems for the Large Hadron Collider.

After the nine weeks of interactive support from an open community of developers, scientists, fellow students, and other people passionate about science, one of the five students will be selected to showcase their winning project at a number of leading industry events. The winner will be announced at the upcoming Intel HPC Developers Conference on November 11, 2017, and will also be shown at SC17 in Denver, Colorado.

You can follow the Intel Developer Zone on Facebook for more announcements and information, including those about this exciting new challenge that will surely teach us a thing or two about modern coding.

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