Panel Discussion: Sustainable Software Development in Computational Sciences

In this video from PASC17, Jack Wells from ORNL moderates a panel discussion on Sustainable Software Development and Publication Practices in the Computational Sciences.

“The goal of the PASC papers program is to advance the quality of formal scientific communication between the relative disciplines of computational science and engineering. The program was built from an observation that the computer science community traditionally publishes in the proceedings of major, international conferences, while the domain science community generally publishes in discipline-specific journals – and cross readership is very limited. The aim of our initiative is to build and sustain a platform that enables engagement between the computer science, applied mathematics and domain science communities, through a combination of conference participation, conference papers and post-conference journal publications. The PASC papers initiative allows authors to benefit from the interdisciplinarity and rapid dissemination of results afforded by the conference venue, as well as from the impact associated with subsequent publication in a high-quality scientific journal. To help facilitate such journal publication, PASC has recently formed collaborative partnerships with a number of scientific journals, including Computer Physics Communications (CPC), the Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (JAMES), and ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (ACM TOMS). In this panel discussion, representatives from these journals are invited to express their thoughts regarding publication practices in the computational sciences, including the publication of software codes. We will discuss best practices for sustainable software development and address questions such as: how can we ensure that code and infrastructure will still be there in ten-plus years? How can we validate published results and guarantee reproducibility? Finally, we will describe our vision for the PASC papers initiative going forward.”


  • Thomas Schulthess (CSCS / ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
  • Walter Dehnen (University of Leicester, UK): Editor (Astronomy and Astrophysics) for Computer Physics Communications (CPC)
  • Robert Pincus (University of Colorado, USA): Editor in Chief of the Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (JAMES)
  • Michael A. Heroux (Sandia National Laboratories, USA): Associate Editor (Replicated Computational Results) for ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS)

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