National Supercomputing Centre Singapore and Global Gene Corp to Collaborate on Precision Medicine

The National Supercomputing Center Singapore and Global Gene Corp have exchanged a Memorandum of Understanding to benefit the future of Singapore’s Precision Medicine Initiative. The collaboration allows GGC to leverage NSCC’s High-Performance Computing platform for genomics applications and for NSCC to tap on GGC’s expertise to create the next generation supercomputing infrastructure which will benefit genomics and the precision medicine initiative in Singapore.

National Supercomputing Centre Singapore and Global Gene Corp sign a MoU NSCC and GGC genomics platform company backed by EDB Singapore, exchanged a MoU to benefit the future of Singapore’s Precision Medicine Initiative.

Global Gene Corp, with their presence in Boston, Cambridge UK and India, has become a fast emerging leader in genomics data of under-explored populations of Asia and Africa. Led by a top team of Harvard and Singapore scientists and doctors in creating a computationally effective genomics pipeline, Global Gene Corp will help us boost Singapore’s genomics HPC infrastructure as much as we can offer them disruptive HPC resources at the petascale level.”

The ceremony took place on 16 June 2017 at Global Gene Corp’s R&D centre in Wellcome Genome Campus, Cambridge UK, which is co-located with European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI-EMBL) and The Sanger Institute, a site of the Human Genome Project.

Sumit S Jamuar, Chairman & CEO of Global Gene Corp said, “As a Singapore origin company, we are delighted to partner with NSCC to achieve the ambition of democratising healthcare through genomics. We are aligned with, and committed to, NSCC’s vision to contribute to building Singapore as the leading hub in genomics. This partnership represents a strategic collaboration building on our work to deliver GGC India, the first ever genomic beacon for Indian population in collaboration with GA4GH.”

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