A Perspective on HPC-enabled AI

Tim Barr is Director of Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Product Strategy at Cray.

In this video from the HPC User Forum in Milwaukee, Tim Barr from Cray presents: Perspective on HPC-enabled AI.

“Cray’s unique history in supercomputing and analytics has given us front-line experience in pushing the limits of CPU and GPU integration, network scale, tuning for analytics, and optimizing for both model and data parallelization. Particularly important to machine learning is our holistic approach to parallelism and performance, which includes extremely scalable compute, storage and analytics.”

The punchline: Deep Learning is a High Performance Computing problem

  • Delivers benefits similar to HPC in other disciplines
  • The value is in the decisions that are enabled
  • Characterized by the same underlying factors
  • Large amount of computation
  • Large amount of data motion (I/O and network)
  • The same methods work
  • HPC Technology and HPC Best Practice apply directly to DL

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