Win Supercomputer Access in the ARCTUR Be Innovative HPC Challenge

Today the ARCTUR group in Slovenia announced the ARCTUR Be Innovative HPC Challenge. In this contest, 350,000 EUR worth of ARCTUR HPC resources will be granted to the proposal with the most interesting applications.

The goal of the competition is to encourage small and medium enterprises (among others) to scale up their computer simulations and modeling by using ARCTUR HPC infrastructure, writing an interesting use-case demonstrating the benefits of the use of HPC and becoming strategic parters of the company.

Applicants should submit a simulation or computer modeling idea addressing a real use case and demonstrating a high potential benefit from using Arctur HPC infrastructure.

The applications will be ranked using key selection criteria:

  • Application addressing a real use case
  • The HPC viability and scaling up of the case
  • Benefits expected by using HPC
  • Applicants experience in using HPC (or GRID) computing infrastructures
  • Repeatability

Out of all the received applications we will select up to 30 cases that will get access to Arctur-2 HPC infrastructure. Based on the success of your application you will get one of the three different levels of subsidy:

  1. Top 10 applications: Free Access
  2. Second best 10 applications: 50% subsidy
  3. Third best 10 applications: 25% subsidy.

HPC Services included:
 Each application is expected to use up to 20.000€ in resources, either HPC & Cloud capabilities or in man-hours of support. The usage time will be limited to a maximum of 3 months of time.


Arctur-2 Supercomputer

ARCTUR d.o.o. is a privately owned enterprise with its own HPC infrastructure located in Nova Gorica, Slovenia, Europe. The compute environment includes a complete HPC software stack, a non-virtualized compute cluster, GPUs, high-memory notes, high-performance storage, and expert support. It is one of the leading service providers of supercomputing in Europe.

Arctur is a powerful tool for the 
computational needs we have as 
researchers. Computing power
is made available professionally 
and is complemented by the HPC
competencies which the Arctur 
team can guarantee,” said Dr. Filippo Giorgi from UN – ICTP Trieste in Italy.

ARCTUR already supports the use of HPC within the framework of the Fortissimo, CloudFlow and CAxMan European projects.

Applications will be accepted from Nov. 6 – Dec. 1. The winners will be announced in mid-December and can expect to start supercomputing in January of 2018.

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