SC17 Awards Ceremony and Conference Recap

(From left) SC17 Award Co-Chairs Paul Hovland and Jeff Hollingsworth

In this video from SC17, Jeff Hollingsworth and Paul Hovland host the Conference Finale Event announcing the winners of the Best Paper, Best Poster, ACM Gordon Bell Prize, Student Cluster Challenge and other honors for our technical program.

SC17 Conference Recap:

Attendees: The conference drew 12,753 attendees and featured a technical program spanning six days – marking the second largest SC conference of all time. Another goal for SC17 was to broaden the reach on a global basis and this was reflected in both general attendee numbers and on the exhibitor floor. Approximately 2,800 people were from countries other than the United States and 122 exhibitors were international.

Tech Program: The SC Technical Program is highly competitive and one of the broadest of any HPC conference. In the 13 elements comprising tech program, SC17 had a total number of 880 submissions from close to 2800 unique individuals. Over 370 different highly respected volunteers from academia, government and industry, peer-reviewed the submissions. In the end, over 1300 different authors were accepted throughout the different components of tech program (not including individual workshop papers). Technical papers remained extremely competitive with acceptance rates of approximately 19%. And this year marked a stepping-stone in reproducibility for technical papers: in total, 45% of submissions included a reproducibility appendix, and a total of 51% of accepted papers included it. An increase of 344% from 2016!

Exhibits: The exhibit hall featured 153,400 net square feet. The 358 industry and research-focused exhibits includes an all-time record-high of 46 first-time organizations and 120 org/anizations from a total of 26 countries outside the Unites States making SC17 truly a global experience.

SCinet: With $66 million in vendor-contributed hardware, software and services, over 180 SCinet volunteers delivered 3.6 Terabits per second in bandwidth, which is enough capacity to download a two-hour HD movie in 12 milliseconds or all 26 million songs in the iTunes catalog in 5 minutes. As part of the network construction, the team installed 60 miles of fiber optic cable and 280 wireless access points in and around the Colorado Convention Center.

Inclusivity: Among many programs the conference created to encourage greater participation in the conference, SC offered on-site Daycare for the second year in a row. This year, close to 20 children from 13 families were able to benefit from the service – more than twice the number of participants from SC16. We are excited to see more and more attendees seeing the benefit of this service so they can participate in the conference and take care of their families at the same time. Plus what a great way to expose kids to the world of HPC at such a young age!

The Best of the Best: Tech Program Awards Summary
Best Student Paper – “A Framework for Scalable Biophysics-Based Image Analysis”
Authors: Amir Gholami, Andreas Mang, University of Texas, Klaudius Scheufele University of Stuttgart, Christos Davatzikos University of Pennsylvania, Miriam Mehl University of Stuttgart, George Biros, University of Texas

Best Paper Award – “Extreme Scale Multi-Physics Simulations of the Tsunamigenic 2004 Sumatra Megathrust Earthquake”
Authors: Carsten Uphoff, Sebastian Rettenberger, Michael Bade, Technical University of Munich, Garching, Elizabeth H. Madden, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München,Thomas Ulrich Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Stephanie Wollherr Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Alice-Agnes Gabriel Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

The ACM Gordon Bell Prize – “15-Pflops Nonlinear Earthquake Simulation on Sunway TaihuLight: Enabling Depiction of Realistic 10 Hz Scenarios” Research by: Haohuan Fu, Conghui He, Bingwei Chen, Zekun Yin, Shandong University, Zhenguo Zhang, Southern University of Science and Technology, Wenqiang Zhang, University of Science and Technology of China, Tingjian Zhang, Shandong University, Wei Xue, Tsinghua University, Weiguo Liu, Shandong University, Wanwang Yin, National Research Center of Parallel Computer Engineering and Technology, Guangwen Yang, Tsinghua University, Xiaofei Chen, Southern University of Science and Technology

Best Poster Award – “AI with Super-computed Data for Monte Carlo Earthquake Hazard Classification” by Tsuyoshi Ichimura, Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo

Student Cluster Competition – Winner of both the Highest LINPACK Benchmark and Overall Competition: Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

ACM Student Research Competition, Undergraduate:

  • 1st Place Award winner: “Diagnosing Parallel I/O Bottlenecks in HPC Applications,” by Peter Z. Harrington, University of California, Santa Cruz
  • 2nd place Award winner: “Finding a Needle in a Field of Haystacks: Lightweight Metadata Search for Large-Scale Distributed Research Repositories,” by Anna Blue Keleher, University of Maryland

ACM Student Research Competition, Graduate:

  • 1st Place: “Deep Learning with HPC Simulations for Extracting Hidden Signals: Detecting Gravitational Waves,” by Daniel George, NCSA, University of Illinois
  • 2nd Place: “GEMM-Like Tensor-Tensor Contraction (GETT),” by Paolo Bientinesi, Paul Springer, RWTH Aachen University
  • 3rd Place: “Optimization of the AIREBO Many-Body Potential for KNL,” by Markus Höhnerbach, RWTH Aachen University

SC17 Scientific Visualization and Data Analytics Showcase Winner: “First Light in the Renaissance Simulation Visualization: Formation of the Very First Galaxies in the Universe”
Authors: Donna J. Cox, Robert M. Patterson, Stuart A. Levy, Jeffrey D. Carpenter, AJ Christensen, Kalina M. Borkiewicz National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois, Brian W. O’Shea Michigan State University, John H. Wise, Georgia Institute of Technology, Hao Xu, University of California, San Diego Michael L. Norman, San Diego Supercomputer Center University of California, San Diego

The ACM SIGHPC Emerging Woman Leader in Technical Computing Award: Dr. Ilkay Altintas, University of California’s San Diego Supercomputer Center.

The IEEE Computer Society Technical Consortium on High Performance Computing (TCHPC) Award for Excellence for Early Career Researchers in High Performance Computing: Leon Song, Pacific Northwest National Lab, Antonio Peña, Barcelona Supercomputing Center and Amanda Randles, Duke University

The George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowships: Shaden Smith of the University of Minnesota and Yang You of the University of California

ACM SIGHPC/Intel Computational and Data Science Fellowship Winners:

  • Kellon Belfon, Stony Brook University
  • Linda Gesenhues, Fed. Univ. of Rio de Janeiro
  • Ananya Gupta, University of Manchester
  • Maciej Kos, Northeastern University
  • Jessica Micallef, Michigan State University
  • Shannon Moran, University of Michigan
  • Santiago Núñez-Corrales, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Laura Palacio Tamayo, University of Medellín
  • Minu Pilvankar, Oklahoma State University
  • Shefali Umrania, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Valeri Vasquez, University of California, Berkeley
  • Emma Zohner, Rice University

See our complete coverage of SC17

See the SC17 Photo Gallery

SC18 will be held next Nov 11-16, 2018 in Dallas, Texas.

Check out our insideHPC Events Calendar


  1. The winners of George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowships are wrong. Would you like to correct it?