Jack Wells (right) from ORNL is the Scientific Committee Co-Chair for PASC18.
In this video, Dr. Jack Wells describes the Papers Program at the PASC18 Conference. The conference takes place July 2-4, 2018 in Basel, Switzerland.
PASC18 is soliciting high-quality original research papers related to scientific computing in any of the eight scientific domains represented at the conference (chemistry and materials, life sciences, physics, climate and weather, solid earth dynamics, engineering, computer science and applied mathematics, and emerging application domains). Papers that address aspects emphasizing the close coupling of data and computation in current and future high performance computing applications – as indicated by the theme of PASC18: Fast and Big Data, Fast and Big Computation – are particularly welcome.
Papers accepted for PASC18 will be presented as talks, and published in the Proceedings of the PASC Conference, accessible via the ACM Digital Library. A selection of the highest quality papers may be given the opportunity of a plenary presentation. In selecting papers for plenary presentation, the scientific committee will place particular weight on impact, interdisciplinary and interest to a broad audience.
Submissions are due January 19, 2018.