Top 10 HPC White Papers for 2017: Machine Learning, AI, the Cloud & More

top 10 HPC white papers

Our Special Reports dominated the Top 10 HPC white papers for 2017 on The top downloaded reports were written with industry partners such as Red Hat, Dell EMC, Intel, HPE and more. Many of the top 10 HPC white papers for 2017 dealt with the next steps in the HPC journey, including moving to the cloud, and discovering the potential of machine learning and AI.

Take a moment to check out the Top 10 HPC white papers of 2017 to stay up to speed on the latest developments in the high performance computing industry:

HPC Moves to the Cloud – What You Need to Know

High-performance computing is for those that need the highest performance in order to solve many of today’s most difficult scientific challenges. Although the definition of an HPC workload may vary, there are certain characteristics that many domains require in order to reach a solution in a timely and expected manner, such as Fast CPUs, accelerators, memory, storage, network and more. Download the guide to explore these elements in detail.

top 10 HPC white papers

The importance of high performance networking to support the clustered systems that provide the back-end analysis capabilities can only increase.

Launch a Machine Learning Startup

This report addresses everything from how to choose a framework and pick the tools you need to get started, to the questions you’ll be asking yourself, and the benefits of immersing yourself in the machine and deep learning communities. This report also untangles the jargon and explores what these terms actually mean. Download this special report to learn more.

Riding the Wave of Machine Learning & Deep Learning

AI, machine learning and deep learning are transforming the entire world of technology, but these technologies are only making headway now due to the proliferation of data. Companies first steps should include the “Five-step enterprise AI strategy”. To learn more about riding the wave of machine learning and deep learning, download this insideHPC special report.

Are FPGAs the answer to the “Compute Gap?”

There is a compute gap developing between what is available today and what is needed to stay competitive. With the deluge of new data from new sources, it isn’t surprising to find that data centers are running short on compute capacity. Download this research report to explore the world of accelerators, primarily FPGAs, to see if they’re the right answer to fill the ‘compute gap’.

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A Trusted Approach for High Performance Networking

The high performance networking interconnect landscape is in transition. InfiniBand and Intel Omni-Path will compete for the performance crown, while Ethernet will remain the ubiquitous standard for commercially oriented systems. As the Internet of Things, big data, real-time analytics, deep learning and artificial intelligence systems proliferate through all aspects of business and personal computing, the importance of HPC networking to support the clustered systems that provide the back-end analysis capabilities can only increase. Download the report to lean more.

Accelerating the Speed and Accessibility of Artificial Intelligence Technologies

As AI technologies become even faster and more accessible, the computing community will be positioned to help organizations achieve the desired levels of efficiency that are critically needed in order to resolve the world’s most complex problems, and increase safety, productivity, and prosperity. Download this white paper to learn more about some of today’s most promising AI Technologies.

top 10 HPC white papers

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning for all intents and purposes, seem to be in the process of transforming corporate America.

AI-HPC is Happening Now

HPC and the data driven AI communities are converging as they are arguably running the same types of data and compute intensive workloads on HPC hardware, be it on a leadership class supercomputer, small institutional cluster, or in the cloud. Download the insideHPC Special Report, brought to you by Intel, to learn more about AI-HPC and how today’s businesses are using this technology.

Parallel File System Delivers Better Strategies, Faster

A parallel file system offers several advantages over a single direct attached file system. By using fast, scalable, external disk systems with massively parallel access to data, researchers can perform analysis against much larger datasets than they can by batching large datasets through memory. To learn more about Parallel File Systems, download this guide.

top 10 HPC white papers

HPC and the data driven AI communities are converging.

How to Leverage HPC in the Enterprise

Despite the proven benefits of HPC in the enterprise, many businesses still struggle to overcome the complexity of deploying HPC solutions in their enterprise. To read several successful case studies and learn more about how to leverage HPC in your enterprise, download this white paper.

In-Memory Data Grids

This white paper provides an overview of in-memory computing technology with a focus on in-memory data grids. It discusses the advantages and uses of in-memory data grids and introduces the GridGain In-Memory Data Fabric. Download this guide to learn more.

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